The Do’s And Don’ts For Your Joints
Our hip and knee joints are the most important joints in our bodies that help us to move around. Any problem in these two joints means difficulty in standing, sitting, walking, and running. And, when the problem intensifies, it may even result in immobility and pain! To avoid such blunders in your daily routines, you must take complete care of these two joints. To help you, we have listed some of the Do’s and Don’ts of joint care, which if followed, can if not eliminate, then at least delay a few years of problems that your joints may face.
The DO’s:
Keep your joints moving – You know that any motor, engine, or machinery, when is constantly in use, works smoothly, and is less likely to rust. Same is the case with our joints. When we constantly use them, like for walking, jogging, and exercising, they stay healthy. The better toned your muscles and bones are, the less likely will you injure and stress your joints.
Maintain the right postures – You can consult a physical therapist who can let you know the right postures of sitting, standing, and walking. These postures do a lot about maintaining the health of your joints. The right posture alleviates pressure that is put on the joints. Also, the therapist may be able to tell you the vitamins and minerals that your joints lack, and help you with the supplements you can take to level them up from external sources.
Stay informed – The more you know about your body and health, the better you can handle the condition, even in the worst of situations. It is easier to make decisions about your health if you are completely educated about your body and its functions. So, consult a medical practitioner to understand your health completely, and you may also ask him questions on how to take care of y our joints.
The DON’Ts:
Don’t push your joints too hard – Although we have suggested that you keep your joints moving, we also notify you that you shouldn’t overwork them. You need to take note of how your physical activity is impacting your joints. Do only as much your body and joints can accept, or you may land yourself into trouble.
Don’t ignore even the slightest problems – Although a small knee or hip joint may seem normal to you, don’t ever avoid even the simplest pain or injury. As soon as you realize that you are having any kind of pain or stress in your joints, or even if your knees are making sounds, speak to an expert and have your condition evaluated. Maitri Hospital’s orthopaedic surgeon in Kota can be the best choice to approach in such a situation, who can evaluate your condition and help you with the best aftercare suggestions.
Don’t gain too much weight – Too much weight means putting stress on your lower joints. It is your hip and knees that carries all of your weight. If you feel like you are gaining weight more than you should, you should take up immediate action to shed it off, so that you can lighten the load and reduce the amount of pressure on your joints.
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