Myringotomy – Ear Tube Surgery – Are You A Candidate?

Ear problems are common among both children and adults. However, with the rising awareness, parents are having their children treated as early as possible for their ear infections so that they don’t have to live a painful or bothersome adulthood. Myringotomy is one treatment that is performed more commonly than the others. The procedure is an ear tube surgery. What is myringotomy? As mentioned above, myringotomy is an ear tube surgery, wherein a small incision is made in the eardrum, into which an ear tube is inserted. This ear tube helps to equalize pressure within the ears, thus draining out any fluid that is trapped behind the eardrum. Slowly and gradually, the incision starts healing, as a result of which the tubes fall out on their own within nine months of the surgery. What symptoms call for a myringotomy? Check for the following five symptoms to realize that myringotomy could be an option that your ENT surgeon in Kota might suggest. Abnormal or narrow ...