Who Is A Urologist?

Whenever we experience problems in our urinary system, we generally first approach a primary doctor. Only when things seem to be too serious, or when the primary doctor himself suggests an advanced treatment, we rush to a specialist. The specialist here is a urologist. Who a urologist is, what conditions does he treat, when you should see one, all of this is explained in this blog. Who is a urologist? A urologist is a specialist who treats ailments associated with the urinary tract in both men and women, along with the reproductive system in men. He may be a general urologist treating all such ailments, or may specialize in a certain gender, pediatrics, neurological condition, or oncology. What conditions does a urologist treat? As mentioned above, urologists can treat conditions related to the urinary tract or male reproductive system. These conditions include incontinence, prostrate health, bed-wetting, kidney disease, kidney stones, erectile dysfunction, propla...